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How to treat Chronic Bronchitis

Source:    Author:    Time:2021-01-16 13:59:08   Views:590

What are the manifestations of chronic bronchitis?

Chronic bronchitis is chronic non-specific inflammation of the trachea, bronchial mucosa and surrounding tissues. Cough and sputum are the main symptoms. Chronic bronchitis has a higher incidence in middle-aged and elderly people, and patients may have continuous cough for several months. It is also prone to complications such as heart disease, pneumonia, and emphysema.

Clinical symptoms of chronic bronchitis in the elderly

1. Cough: In the early stage of onset, the elderly have a heavier cough in the morning and lighter in the day. They often have cough attacks before going to bed, accompanied by sputum. As the condition progresses, the cough does not heal all year round.

2. Expectoration: The sputum is mainly expectorated in the morning, and the sputum is usually white mucus or serous foam, sometimes with blood. When an acute attack is accompanied by a bacterial infection, the amount of sputum increases, and the sputum becomes thick or purulent.

3. Wheezing: The elderly with chronic bronchitis often have symptoms of wheezing during an acute attack, often accompanied by wheezing sound.

4. Repeated infections: Recurrent respiratory infections are prone to occur during cold seasons or sudden temperature changes. At this time, the elderly’s wheezing worsens, the sputum volume increases significantly and is purulent, accompanied by general weakness, chills, fever, etc.

How to relieve chronic bronchitis

1. Control smoking

Smoking is very harmful to the body, especially smoking can cause the cilia of the bronchial epithelial cells to become short, irregular and dyskinesia, reduce local resistance, and be susceptible to infection. So the first thing is to quit smoking and avoid the inhalation of harmful gases and other harmful particles.

2. General treatment

Maintain indoor air humidity and temperature, actively give rich vitamins and protein for treatment, drink water frequently, keep the respiratory tract open, clear respiratory secretions in time, prevent the symptoms of coughing, prevent chronic bronchitis from turning into emphysema, etc. Increase in severity.

3. Anti-infection

The most important thing about chronic bronchitis is anti-infection. Use some antibacterial drugs, early and sufficient combined treatment, and antiviral treatment is needed when necessary. But while using antibiotics, the therapeutic effect of antibiotics should be observed.

4. Low flow oxygen inhalation

Patients with chronic bronchitis will have symptoms of hypoxia. For this reason, it is best to inhale oxygen therapy in clinical practice. The flow of oxygen inhalation in patients with chronic bronchitis must be kept at a low level. If the oxygen concentration is too high, the nervous system may occur Symptoms, if the oxygen is too low, it will not improve the symptoms. Since chronic bronchitis is a chronic disease, the course of the disease is longer and the patient's clinical symptoms are more obvious.If you have difficulty breathing, you should continue to inhale oxygen, preferably without interruption.

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