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How we simulate sea-level with oxygen-rich air

Source:    Author:    Time:2022-07-23 09:30:55   Views:381

THE ISSUE WITH ALTITUDE: If you love living or spending time in the mountains but struggle with the altitude, we have the solution for you. By adding a higher concentration of oxygen into the air, we can bring any high altitude space back down to sea-level.

Our high oxygen rooms make living at altitude possible for those that suffer from inadequate oxygen supply, and can substantially negate the affects of altitude sickness including fatigue, headaches, nausea etc. By adding high-oxygen air to the room, our system simulates sea-level air, thereby providing an escape from the high altitude environment.

WHO CAN BENEFIT: Our Oxygen Enrichment systems are ideal for those with high altitude country homes or for hotels and resorts that cater to sea-level residents coming to high altitudes for skiing and other adventures.

WHAT TYPES OF SPACES? We can convert literally any size space to a high-oxygen, sea-level environment.  We can provide multiple control panels so that each room can be independently controlled, or we can supply one touch-screen panel that can control all the different rooms in the home.

WHAT TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: We provide multiple equipment options for home oxygenation depending on the volume of the space.

Home Oxygenation Systems

Oxygen Control Equipment to Simulate Sea-Level

  1. We can convert bedrooms, offices, workout spaces to a higher o2 environment
  2. 24/7 equipment monitoring
  3. Custom engineered oxygen enrichment equipment (based on total room volumes)
  4. Decrease susceptibility to altitude sickness and improve Sleep Quality!
  5. Speed up acclimatization process when arriving at altitude.
  6. Provide a safe space for guests to slowly acclimate upon arrival.
  7. Dedicated space to treat altitude sickness for those who had a long day climbing / skiing / boarding.

Research Studies


"There was a lower acute mountain sickness score during the morning after oxygen-enriched sleep. Installing an oxygen-enriched room at high altitude is relatively simple and inexpensive, and shows promise for improving well-being of both commuters and residents.”


"Significantly more time was spent in deep sleep with oxygen enriched than ambient air. Installing an oxygen-enriched room at high altitude is relatively simple and inexpensive, and there will be a promise for improving sleep quality, well-being, and work capacity.”

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