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Sleeping at Altitude

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History of Altitude Training and Altitude Tents

Following the 68′ Olympic Games in Mexico City, numerous American track athletes went on to break American running records. Realizing the only difference in their training was their prolonged altitude exposure, sports researchers looked to portable oxygen concentrators as a way to use the low oxygen air being filtered from the machine to simulate high altitude conditions.  After confirming that blood oxygen levels (Spo2) decreased in the same way as real altitude, researchers then used these oxygen concentrators in conjunction with well- sealed canopies to develop the first altitude tents. Since that time, sleeping at altitude in an altitude tent has become a popular training technique for elite and professional athletes from nearly every sport.

Sleeping at simulated altitude involves sustained exposure to hypoxia (low-oxygen air) at night with physical training sessions at sea-level during the day. The goal of sleeping at altitude is to lower blood oxygen levels below 94% in order to trigger the production of Red Blood Cells (RBC) and hemoglobin. By gradually increasing the altitude setting on the machine, individuals can adjust the body to high altitudes and slowly build resistance to low blood oxygen levels.  Typically individuals will start with the altitude generator around 5,000ft. and slowly increase the altitude approximately 1,000ft every 3-5 days. Most athletes usually sleep no higher than 10,000ft, while mountaineers or anyone preparing for a high altitude hike may sleep up to and beyond 12,000ft, depending on how long they are using or renting the altitude equipment.

Using a high altitude tent avoids inherent problems associated with permanent residence at altitude such as limited training load in oxygen deficient air, muscle loss, immune system suppression, advanced dehydration and excessive fatigue. Through the use of altitude tent, individuals can safely and effectively take advantage of “Sleeping High” and “Training Low.”

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