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Oxygen sources for aquaculture farms

Source:    Author:    Time:2022-11-12 15:15:56   Views:406

A significant operating cost at most land-based aquaculture facilities is supplying oxygen for the fish. There are three basic sources of oxygen for cultured animals: air, compressed oxygen, and PSA Oxygen Generator.

Using the water supply alone works well for cage farmers whose cages lie in the path of sufficient current. It also can work well in hatcheries, especially at early life stages such as incubation and early in the larval stage. But as stocking density gets higher in land-based systems, there comes a point where supplemental oxygen is necessary.

Air, compressed oxygen

Since it contains 21 percent oxygen, air is a source that should not be overlooked. For fish species that thrive with oxygen saturation levels less than 90 percent, air can provide a significant portion of the supplemental oxygen required. Reuse systems for these fish should be designed to rely totally on air for supplemental oxygen.

Using compressed-oxygen cylinders is too expensive at a commercial scale.

PSA Oxygen Generator

Oxygen generation is becoming a popular option for aquaculture facilities. There are one common generation processes: pressure swing adsorption (PSA). PSA oxygen generation involves compressing air to pressures in the 100-120 psi range.

PSA Oxygen Generator is an advanced technology that is used to separate oxygen (O2) from compressed air. To produce, oxygen-enriched air from the compressed air this technique is used. These PSA Technology Oxygen Generator Plants are used in the highly booming Industries such as Fish farming or Aquaculture.

PSA Oxygen Plants produce oxygen for both industrial and medical grades. PSA plants are generally cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and easy to use. Small oxygen generators up to 10 l/minute have been mass produced for medical use.  

In recent years, the usage of oxygen in the Fish Farming field has increased drastically. Fish production can be increased due to the increasing demand for fish from the consumer side which gives more pressure on fish farmers. Hence, to get an adequate supply of fish production proper ventilation is required that includes freshwater, sufficient oxygen, and food. In Fish productions, a high level of oxygen is required. A high level of oxygen in the water increases fish growth rapidly, improves its health, and also reduces the number of bacteria.

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