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What is a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC)

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What is a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC)?

Portable Oxygen Concentrator is a medical device that helps individuals with a low level of blood oxygen. You can plug them into an electrical outlet or power them by a battery. If the battery is spent, you’ll need to charge it back up by plugging it into the electrical outlet. Many of the portable oxygen concentrators also come with an adapter so you can use your device while driving.

Portable oxygen concentrators receive air, purify it and then distribute the changed air. Air is made up of mostly nitrogen and some oxygen before it goes into the concentrator. After going through the concentrator, the air comes out almost all oxygen and very little nitrogen. The device then separates the nitrogen to give the individual as much oxygen as possible, since it’s hard to get the perfect percentage of oxygen without using a medical device like this.

There are a number of benefits to a portable oxygen concentrator. Some benefits of a portable oxygen concentrator are:

1.A Better Night’s Sleep

While you’re sleeping, your oxygen saturation levels tend to drop, even in individuals with healthy lungs. If you have COPD or another type of chronic lung disease, you may suffer with transient nocturnal desaturation which can interfere in your good night’s sleep, leading to substantial health issues.

If your sleep is being frequently disrupted, you should consult with your doctor about having an overnight oximetry test performed. They may end up prescribing you supplemental oxygen therapy during sleep, helping you to sleep better.


The newest oxygen concentrators are lightweight and compact as well as very discreet. You can take them with you just about anywhere:


*Car Rides

*Walks in the Park

*Baseball Games

Many individuals using a POC can work, take part in social events and participate in physical activities. Some POCs are smaller, like LONGFIAN POC only 1.98Kg.

3.Customized To Meet Your Needs

Whether you have chronic bronchitis, emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, you’ll have different needs than the next person who needs oxygen therapy. And, this is why it’s essential your POC is more than a one-size-fits all device. You might want to choose an oxygen concentrator that provides both pulse-flow and continuous flow delivery so you can decide on the best form of oxygen therapy for your needs.

4.Improves Mental Alertness

Do you feel like you’re always in a mental fog? When you’re not getting the oxygen you need, every one of your body’s organs are affected; even your brain. The first sign that an individual with lung disease isn’t getting enough oxygen is confusion. Supplemental oxygen use helps keep your brain and other important organs healthy.

5.Independent Lifestyle

POCs make independence obtainable. Individuals can often lead energetic and active lives. Machines are made for mobility and carrying cases, wheeled carts and many other accessories are available to make it easier to get around. You can do anything and go anywhere easily because of the battery life. Not to mention, you can have oxygen in any place that has a plug.

People who require oxygen therapy are choosing portable oxygen concentrator because they allow them to continue maintaining their standard and quality of life. If you’re struggling with severe COPD and you have low oxygen levels in your blood, a POC could help you live a healthier, longer life. Among the standard treatment approaches for chronic lung diseases like pulmonary fibrosis (PF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema, supplemental oxygen use at the most advanced stages is often prescribed near-universally.

While there are other types of medicine used in tandem, like corticosteroids, inhalers and prescription medicines, supplemental oxygen use has stayed a staple in lung disease treatment for its ability to offer continued respiratory support for individuals struggling with their oxygen intake on a daily level.

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