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What Is EWOT?

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What Is EWOT?

Simply put,  EWOT (pronounced e-watt) Exercise With Oxygen Training is breathing higher levels of oxygen during exercise. 
Exercise with oxygen therapy is when we breathe in higher concentrations of oxygen during exercise. In the past, EWOT utilized low-flow face masks or nasal cannulas that connected to oxygen generators. Oxygen generators are devices that take in room air, compress it and remove argon and nitrogen.

They are able to output 94 percent oxygen, which is more than four times the normal purity of room air. But these original devices only made up to 10 liters of oxygen per minute, which required much more time to see results. The latest developments in EWOT has cut the time to see noticeable results dramatically.

Benefits of Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT)

There’s really no limit to the potential benefits of EWOT, but they are all possible because of three major factors: EWOT’s ability to improve oxygen circulation, restore blood flow and increase ATP production. Here’s a breakdown of these three major benefits of exercise with oxygen therapy and how they trickle down to influence overall health and wellness:

1. Increases Oxygen Circulation in the Body
Exercise with oxygen therapy gets oxygen into the arteries, veins and even the smallest capillaries that make up over 74 percent of your circulatory system. By increasing oxygen circulation in the body, your cells are getting the O2 that they need to process the millions of bio-chemical reactions they undergo every day.

According to a 1984 article written by Dr. von Ardenne, improvement of the oxygen flux into body tissues is important for fighting against insufficient oxygen supply, which is a common cause of many diseases, disorders and complains, especially with increasing age.

So why is getting enough oxygen so important? For one thing, research is pointing to a lack of oxygen in the blood (called hypoxia) as a leading cause of many cancers. According to researchers at the University of Georgia, “low oxygen levels in our cells may be a primary cause of uncontrollable tumor growth in some cancers. ” And a study conducted at Washington State University found that when high-pressure oxygen was used on a culture of human leukemia cells, it reduced cancer cell growth by 15 percent.

On top of the increased risk of cancer when blood oxygen levels are too low, research published in Current Medical Chemistry indicates that during hypoxemia, oxidative stress leads to accelerated deterioration, causing our cells to lose their power of division and growth.

The bottom line is that we can’t live without oxygen. And when our cells aren’t receiving enough oxygen on a daily basis, it will affect many aspects of our health.

2. Restores Blood Flow
All body processes require adequate blood flow, but stress and certain medical conditions can disrupt the blood’s ability to release oxygen into our tissues. We know that a decrease in oxygen supply to your blood can severely damage the function of your brain, liver and other organs. We need our blood to carry oxygen to our tissues in order for all body systems to work properly.

This is another major benefit of oxygen therapy. As oxygen circulation throughout the body increases, our oxygen-rich blood is able to send the O2 to our tissues, vessels and organs

Restoring the flow of oxygen-rich blood also promotes the expansion of constricted capillaries. When our capillaries are deprived of oxygen, they begin to swell, thereby preventing further oxygenation. Oxygen therapy, particularly EWOT, reduces capillary swelling, enhances oxygenation and promotes circulation.

One of the most well-known benefits of oxygen therapy is its ability to improve cerebral blood flow. Research shows that hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be used to contribute to the healing of ischemic ulcerations in patients with diabetes. It’s hypothesized that this type of O2 therapy works to restore vascular activity, and affects the production of vasodilators and vasoconstrictors.

3. Increases the Production of ATP
When you exercise with oxygen therapy, you are allowing every cell to receive oxygen. This increases the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which acts as a source of fuel within the cells.

Mr. Tebeau describes ATP as the “master healing molecule.” By increasing ATP, our blood cells separate so that they’re no longer sticking to each other and can therefore absorb more oxygen. When you make ATP at full capacity by giving the cells more oxygen, “the body can start healing as if we were in our teens,” says Tebeau. But when ATP levels are low, you cannot heal properly or quickly.

All other benefits of EWOT are downstream cascading effects of these three very important factors. Because exercise with oxygen therapy increases oxygen circulation, restores blood flow and increases the production of ATP, it may also benefit the body in the following ways:
●Spikes immunity
●Accelerates recovery from illness or injury
●Boosts energy
●Improves cardiovascular health
●Supports lung function/respiratory system
●Improve physical performance
●Allows for faster recovery after workouts
●Improves vision
●Improves mental capacity/memory
●Reduces inflammation
●Assists in weight loss
●Promotes detoxification

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