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The Benefits of Using an Oxygen Concentrator for Your Dog

Source:    Author:    Time:2023-05-27 13:18:52   Views:355

Is your pets suffering from bronchitis, kennel cough, lungworm, pneumonia, or an upper respiratory distress? If so, you might want to consider using a pet oxygen concentrator to help alleviate your pet’s breathing problems.


Oxygen concentrators can be used to help oxygenate your pet’s blood and increase the total amount of oxygen they are receiving; ultimately improving the quality of their life. This article will explain how an oxygen concentrator works, the benefits it provides for pets , the risks associated with using oxygen concentrators.


What is a Pet Oxygen Concentrator?

Oxygen concentrators are medical devices that filter and concentrate oxygen molecules from the surrounding air to produce oxygen that is 90-95% pure oxygen. Unlike pre-filled oxygen tanks, oxygen concentrators can run for 24-hours and never need to be refilled or thrown away. They are used to treat conditions like congestive heart failure, asthma, and respiratory distress in pets . Oxygen concentrators also have various supportive benefits such as improving energy levels and overall health.


Pet Oxygen Concentrators come in a variety of sizes, from small portable units for individual use to larger standing models. Depending on the size and weight of your pet and its needs, pet oxygen concentrations can range from 35-93% pure oxygen levels. The type of concentrator you choose will depend on your pet's size, health condition, and weight.


How Does an Oxygen Concentrator Help Pets ?

Oxygen concentrators can provide your pet with increased levels of oxygen and help its body’s cells to utilize it more effectively. This can help the pet to breathe better and experience improved energy levels, alertness, and ability to exercise.


An increase in oxygen in the bloodstream can also help boost their immune system, which may result in fewer illnesses and enhanced overall health. Keeping your best friend happy and healthy will not only lower your vet bills but keep them next to you during every adventure.


How long should an extended oxygen therapy session last for my pet?

Treatments should typically last 1 to 2 hours for your pet. You are able to administer oxygen to your pet up to 3 times a day with a recommended 4 hours between sessions. Always refer to your veterinarian for a recommended treatment schedule for your pet and their condition.


Are There Risks to Using an Oxygen Concentrator for Your Pet ?

The short answer is no. Oxygen concentrators can be a safe, practical solution for some pets who suffer from lower levels of oxygen in their bloodstream due to conditions like Collapsing Trachea or Pulmonary Hypertension. However, as with any medical device, you should consult with a veterinarian first before starting an oxygen therapy plan. It’s also important to closely monitor your pet’s oxygen saturation level and make sure the device is functioning properly at all times.


Since Oxygen Concentrators are most often used with Pet Oxygen Cages, the highest risk comes from not utilizing your Pet Oxygen Cage correctly. There must always be a way for c02 to be removed from the Pet Oxygen Cage while your pet is receiving treatments. This can come in the form of special cage vents or simply unzipping part of the door on the cage so that c02 can be released.


Remember to always be nearby or in the room while your pet is receiving Oxygen Therapy so that you can observe your pet.

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