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The benefits of pulse dose portable oxygen concetrator on high quality life

Source:    Author:    Time:2023-06-30 13:03:17   Views:397

Benefits of Portable Oxygen Concentrators

There are so many benefits of portable oxygen concentrator (POC) use for lung disease. A portable oxygen machine can not only make breathing easier and less laborious, but it offers the following benefits, too:



Supplemental oxygen, worn at least 15 hours a day , increases survival in some patients. And today’s portable oxygen technology allows you to utilize portable oxygen therapy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anytime, anywhere.


Studies show that using supplemental oxygen during exercise allows you to exercise longer, at a higher intensity, which means you’ll reap greater rewards for all your efforts.


Are you in a mental fog? When you’re not getting enough oxygen, every organ of your body is affected, including your brain. Confusion is the first sign that people with lung disease may not be getting enough oxygen. Using supplemental oxygen keeps your brain, and all your other vital organs, healthy.


Oxygen saturation levels tend to drop during sleep, even in people with healthy lungs. When you have COPD or another chronic lung disease, transient nocturnal desaturation may interfere with a restful night’s sleep and lead to some pretty significant health problems. If your sleep patterns are frequently disrupted, talk to your doctor about having an overnight oximetry test. You may benefit from supplemental oxygen during sleep, which will help you get the rest you need.


Studies show that oxygen therapy is associated with an improvement in cognition, performance and mood—and can even boost your self-esteem.


If you have little energy to get through the day, it may be because your oxygen levels are low. Oxygen therapy gives you the stamina you need to carry out normal, everyday functions such as getting dressed, cleaning house, preparing a meal and taking the dog for a walk.


The Longfian POC: Your Ultimate Freedom Machine

The benefits of portable oxygen concentrator units are significant. Not only does using the portable oxygen concentrator for your oxygen therapy provide you with a wealth of important health benefits, but it is designed for your on-the-go lifestyle.  Because each of our Longfian portable oxygen concentrator models are so lightweight, you will hardly notice it as you visit a museum, stroll along the beach or dine with friends at your favorite restaurant. No need to worry about managing deliveries or tank replacement either, because with our portable oxygen machine you will never have to worry about running out of oxygen, as long as you have a charged battery or access to an AC or DC power source. Longfian is your single solution for oxygen, at home or away, day or night.

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