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EWOT involves breathing near-pure oxygen while exercising.   Manfred von Ardenne, a great inventor and physicist pioneered EWOT back in the 1960’s, which he called oxygen multi-step therapy.  Since that time, it has been used by professional athletes, Olympians, and militaries alike to improve athletic performance including strength, stamina, endurance, and recovery.  In fact, there is a variety of research on the topic on NIH government funded research site, PubMed – simply search for hyperoxic training.

Modern EWOT is used for both improved athletic performance and improved health and wellbeing. The most common method involves breathing near-pure oxygen while doing a cardio workout for 15 minutes.  We offer our EWOT systems at the best price in the industry because we in democratizing the power of EWOT.

When we do cardiovascular exercise, our muscles require more energy.  To cope with this increased demand for energy our cells require more oxygen to produce APT – their primary source of energy.  In order to supply increased oxygen, our heartrate increases which increases our circulation and allows our red blood cells to turn over oxygen more quickly.  To counteract the increased pressure of faster pumping blood, our blood vessels dilate or expand.  And, in order to meet this demand for more oxygen, our breathing rate increases from 7-8 liters per minute (LPM)  up to 100 LPM or more.

Von Ardenne discovered that when we add oxygen to exercise, this pulls the oxygen into our blood plasma. This is similar to what happens in hard shell HBOT.  He also showed that as we age, the lining of our blood vessels swell. And, in many cases, this swelling in our capillaries (the smallest part of our circulatory system) can swell shut. This effectively starves downstream tissues of oxygen.  This is why we require less oxygen as we age. 

He also discovered that when we super-oxygenate the blood plasma, it was able to make it through these “choke points.” This helped oxygenate the tissues downstream.  The oxygen also created an anti-inflammatory reaction that reversed the swelling in our blood vessels and eliminated the choke point.  Amazing, he found that even after a few sessions, the anti-inflammatory effects were long lasting.  He showed that just two sessions of EWOT could improve oxygenation and energy two-weeks after their completion.

EWOT vs. Hyperbaric Oxygen
EWOT is the fastest way to increase oxygen circulation throughout your body.  HBOT is passive and uses pressure to drive oxygen into the tissues. EWOT super saturates the plasma which drives oxygen deeper into distal hypoxic tissues.  EWOT uses the synergies of oxygen and exercise to deliver the same amount of oxygen as HBOT in less than 20% of the time.

In essence, EWOT works similarly to hard shell hyperbaric oxygen training.  But, there are some differences:

Instead of using pumps to pressurize a chamber, it uses your heart to drivee the oxygen into your tissues.

Because you blood vessels dilate during exercise, blood gets deeper into the tissues faster

In a 15-minute EWOT session, you can pull in 1370 excess liters of oxygen. This is slightly more than you would get in 90 minutes of HBOT in a hard-shell chamber.

Crank up the oxygen
You also get 15-minutes of cardio exercise, which has its own benefits.  And, fortunately for us, these benefits are synergistic.  The oxygen makes the perceived effort less, allowing us to push harder and drive the oxygen deeper into our tissues.  The massive production of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the exercise also helps shuttle the oxygen safely into our bodies. And without the risks of oxygen poisoning!

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