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Portable Oxygen Concentrator for Travel

Source:    Author:    Time:2023-09-02 14:07:02   Views:314

What should we consider when traveling by air? Many airlines are allowing the use of portable oxygen concentrators to provide in-flight oxygen. There are a number of these devices approved for airline use. Contact your airline to obtain a list of approved devices. Contact your oxygen company and airline at least two weeks before you travel to obtain the required documentation for use of portable oxygen concentrators on their airplanes and at your travel location. You will be required to use the battery on the portable concentrator during the flight. Ask your oxygen company if you can rent or buy enough batteries to last the duration of your flight. The FAA requires enough batteries to run the concentrator for 150 percent of travel time (including layovers).


On the Go with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator (POC) People with chronic lung disease may need oxygen therapy. Oxygen therapy is used to normalize the oxygen level in blood during sleep, rest and activity and during acute illnesses in the hospital. What are the benefits of oxygen therapy? There are many benefits of oxygen therapy. In many adults with chronic lung disease, studies have shown that long-term oxygen therapy has improved quality and length of life. Oxygen can decrease shortness of breath when you are active and allow you to do more. What types of portable oxygen systems are there? There are three systems that can supply oxygen: concentrators, compressed gas and liquid. Each system has a portable system to use. Portable systems can feel very liberating. They allow you to be more active. Many people have questions about portable oxygen concentrators. Although there are a number of portable systems available, this Med Facts focuses on portable oxygen concentrators. What is a portable oxygen concentrator? Portable oxygen concentrators are oxygen machines that draw in oxygen with the use of a battery, electricity or DC power, for example, the power port in your car. They are smaller and lighter than stationary concentrators. People often like the portability of portable oxygen concentrators.

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