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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy vs. EWOT: How Do They Compare?

Hyperbaric oxygen is a medical device that requires a prescription, and it can be a slow process. You do not exercise in hyperbaric chambers. This means that there’s no CO2 buildup to equal the additional inbound O2.

Exercise with oxygen therapy, on the other hand, works to increase your heart rate, allowing you to make more carbon dioxide, increase partial pressure and force more O2 to distal hypoxic tissues. This is a natural process and utilization of O2. Because EWOT increases your heart rate while also increasing oxygen intake, you will likely see results much faster.

Although there’s certainly a time and place for hyperbaric oxygen therapy, as it help such maladies as decompression sickness, fight serious infections, help heal chronic wounds and may even improve neurodegenerative diseases.

Meanwhile, for the everyday person who is looking to oxygenate blood in their body — thereby reducing inflammation, increasing energy and maintaining health — Maxx O2 EWOT is more effective and efficient.

Risks and Side Effects of Oxygen Therapy

When done correctly and for no more than 15 minutes at a time, there are no risks or side effects from EWOT. Breathing higher levels of oxygen is considered safe and there is no risk of oxygen toxicity.

For many patients who are just beginning EWOT, it’s the sudden change in their physical activity levels that can lead to side effects. For people who haven’t exercised in a long time and don’t have the physical stamina to endure a 15-minute session, it’s best to begin gradually and consult your doctor in advance.

Final Thoughts

Exercise with oxygen therapy is an efficient way to increase oxygen circulation throughout the body. Unlike hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which involves lying in an oxygen chamber, EWOT causes your heart rate to increase. This allows you to make more carbon dioxide and forces more oxygen to your distal hypoxic tissues.

Although there’s certainly a time and place for hyperbaric therapy, EWOT is meant to give you much faster results. Research suggests that it may help to increase oxygen circulation in the body, restore blood flow and increase the production of ATP.

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