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Water treatment--using oxygen concentrator helps increase water quality

Source:    Author:    Time:2023-11-01 14:02:12   Views:264

The use of oxygen concentrators in the water treatment process helps increase the overall concentration of pure oxygen in the water, expelling impurities and contaminants. LONGFIAN’s oxygen concentrators are portable and adaptable to your needs. Implementing our oxygen concentrators allows facilities to meet production demands without compromising on space or power consumption.
Water oxygenation is one of the best ways to help expel impurities and contaminants from water. 
Save on energy costs and lower emissions.
Stimulate aerobic bacterial growth on biochemicals and pollutants.
Eliminate odor complaints and associated fines.
Prevent the need to strip large amounts of nitrogen. 

Safer and Higher-Quality Product

Safe Drinking water is essential to our overall health.
Having an on-site oxygen generator has a multitude of benefits in the water treatment process. It will help with the odor produced through the process. Constant oxygen generation will lower the risk of air pollution contamination. It will help prevent Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Trihalomethanes (THMs), and Carbon Dioxide (C02) levels in the final product. Finally, using an oxygen generator will help assure the best possible taste and the cleanest possible output. 

Benefits of Oxygen in Water Treatment Production

Reduce odor in the treatment process.
Lower the risk of air pollution contamination.
Prevent VOCs, THMs, and C02 levels in the water.
Produce the best possible taste and the cleanest product. 
Save on Operating Costs
Reduce operational costs and increase production.
Having reliable and consistent on-site oxygen production will lessen the amount of money spent on supplementing oxygen at varied rates. This will help keep operation and capital costs low. Our oxygen generators are reliable and will last for many years, providing peace of mind for potential future expenses. Further, having supplemented oxygen will save money on environmental costs, ensuring the process is smoother and the overall product is of a higher quality. 

Benefits of Oxygen in Saving Operation Costs

Replace the need to supplement oxygen at varied market rates. 
Lower capital, production, and environmental costs. 
Have peace of mind knowing your processing is smooth and reliable for years to come. 
Why Oxygen Solutions?
Oxygen Solutions understands the right solution for your business will be found on an individual basis. Our team of professionals have the experience, training, and knowledge to meet the specific need and operational requirements of your business. 
Low-Cost and Highly Efficient Oxygen Concentrators 
LONGFIAN's oxygen concentrators are configurable and easily scalable to fit your present and growing needs.
A 75% turn-down ratio modulation turns down production automatically as load decreases, reducing overall energy consumption.
Each unit is self-contained, compact and easy to move and install. 
Save manpower with remote diagnostics and communications capabilities.
Contact us about finding your unique solution for your operations.

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